aeonium Modified Vehicle (AMV) TYPE 04
Common, Uncommon & Rare NFTS supplied as 4K GIFS with 4K mp4 link (no sound)
Collector’s & Golden NFTS supplied as 4K mp4 with tracks by Jamison Daniel Music NFT
AMV Type 04 - 202/202 NFTs available
COMMON (80/80)
Common - Platinum 20/20
Common - aeon Sunrise 20/20
Common - Plasma Fields 20/20
Common - Holographic 20/20
UNCOMMON (60/60)
Uncommon - Platinum 15/15
Uncommon - aeon Sunrise 15/15
Uncommon - Plasma Fields 15/15
Uncommon - Holographic15/15
RARE (40/40)
Rare - Platinum 10/10
Rare - aeon Sunrise 10/10
Rare - Plasma Fields 10/10
Rare - Holographic 10/10
Collector’s - Platinum 5/5
Collector’s - aeon Sunrise 5/5
Collector’s - Plasma Fields 5/5
Collector’s - Holographic 5/5
Supplied as 4K .mp4 with full background animation and track (40sec-1minute long)
GOLDEN (2/2)
Golden - Gold 2/2
Supplied as 4K .mp4 with full background animation and track (40sec - 1minute long)
One set of Golden aeonium modified vehicles will be minted for Jamison. The remaining 2x Golden AMVS will be available in the sale.